
If you're new to New Heights, we'd love for you to get involved and be a part of our church family! Here's where you can start:

step 01

get to know us.

We'd love to get acquainted with you in a "Get To Know Us" meeting with Pastor Zach! If you're interested, fill out the form here:

Click here for more information on our ministry and beliefs.

step 02

join a growth group or in-home Bible study.

We have Growth Groups for all ages every Sunday morning at 10:00. In these Growth Groups, you can connect with others in your age and stage of life while learning Bible truths.
Additionally, we have monthly in-home Bible studies for women and men. You can expect that our in-home Bible studies will always be a laid back time of fellowship, encouragement, and diving deep into the Word of God.

Step 03

enroll in discipleship.

Our Discipleship Program consists of a class every other Thursday at 6:00 pm. Together we go through a Bible curriculum and take a look into all the basics of the Bible and foundations of our faith. If you'd like to enroll, simply fill out the form below.

step 04

new members class.

If you'd like to become a member of New Heights, we'd love to have you be part of a quick meeting with other new and potential members to answer any questions you might have. If you're not yet a member but you'd like to be, fill out the form below.

step 05

volunteer to serve.

We have many areas in which to serve, and we would love to have you jump in and get involved in one! If you're interested, fill out the form below and choose an option from our list of ministries.